Dissolve the "bad" stress with this "Inspiration on Demand" Process
If you're feeling stressed and a bit "stuck,"
you need to free up some mindshare!
Webster's definition of mindshare:
a controlling or predominant hold of one's attention
What has control over or hold of your attention?
To free up mindshare, you need to learn how to ...
But, just retreating isn't likely to be enough to free up the creative space required for the download to happen. You have to replace that everyday busy work with activities that are designed to trick your mind so that you can stop thinking ... to allow the messages from your inner guidance to get through.
The messages are there ... life is just drowning them out. Clearing the blocks that tone down these messages to the point where they're not loud enough to hear is a great start, but it's just that ... a start!
How do you know if it's time for you to
free up some mindshare with a retreat?
![]() | Can you sense a longing for something you don't quite understand? |
![]() | Is your life out of balance … your priorities are not your own? |
![]() | Are there habits and behaviors you know need to change? |
![]() | Have you felt an overwhelming sense of urgency without clear direction? |
If the questions above resonate with you, you’re not alone. Even if you've never experienced something you would describe as a "direct download" in the past, you may feel like you want to take action but you're not sure what action to take.
Taking action that isn't inspired will do nothing more than leave you feeling exhausted with a mess to clean up. It may look like someone left the bull alone in the china cabinet!
There is a better way!
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

I’m Dr. Gala Gorman. I know personally how these unresolved questions take their toll in our lives. Chronic stress results in a life that is unenviable. There is no way to stop the insanity without stepping back and into the shoes of an outside observer.
We all have programs running. Some are obvious ... some less obvious. These programs aren’t a “bad thing.” They’re what makes it possible to keep all the balls in the air when we’re juggling too many competing priorities.
Imagine that your computer has been running really slow. You may even have a program or two crashing with regularity. You know you need to CTRL-ALT-DEL.
"But wait … I just need to finish …"
And then - there it is. If you’re a Microsoft user, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the “blue screen of death.”
You’ll recover. You always do. But it would have been so much easier if you would have just heeded the warning signs. A bit of inconvenient short-term pain could have produced priceless long-term gain.
After the reboot ... and maybe a bit of time recovering ...
The painful slow motion coupled with worry and stress is replaced with things humming along harmoniously working together. Life feels manageable and satisfying again.
So, if the programs you’ve got running in your life are bogging you down. If you’re feeling sluggish … even stuck, you need to heed the warning signs and make time for a reboot.
And, that’s what the Mindshare Mastery Masterclass will help you do.
It’s time for a reboot. Resolve the nagging questions above … along with the others that are holding you hostage to stress, anxiety … and keeping you "stuck."
I invite you to learn how to create a "direct download" on demand. You'll breakthrough even the most stubborn "stuck-ness."
Learn how to create a retreat where you will
stop asking the world what it wants from you long enough to
ask yourself what you want for your world.
How would your life be different if you had a
step-by-step approach to create a
personal retreat that frees up mindshare ...
and helps you create "inspiration on demand?"
![]() | Eliminate the noise and drama in your life to dissolve self-limiting patterns |
![]() | Expose hidden impulses that influence your decisions and choices |
![]() | Create a conscious connection with your soul by tapping into your inner world |
![]() | Develop a deeply sustainable source of happiness and fulfillment |
![]() | Identify and embrace your greatest gifts to step into your personal power |
![]() | Harvest some juicy "aha" moments resulting from the free mindshare |
![]() | Connect with your loving and nurturing "inner guide" to access inner wisdom |
![]() | Awaken your inspiration and heart-centered guidance system |
![]() | Tap into your natural flow of unlimited possibility |
![]() | Gain perspective to align your priorities with your values |
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes ... including you!"
- Anne Lamott

You might be asking yourself if it's realistic to expect that a break from your normal routine can really produce a significant shift in your life.
It's a fair question. And, we can honestly say it is going to require your full participation and an open mind.
But, if you can imagine having a new lease on life, a fresh perspective, and clarity about your next best steps on your way forward, this Mindshare Mastery Masterclass will help you create a personal retreat that makes the vision reality.
Create a customized experience that is uniquely yours.
Are you wondering about the details?
Here is what's included ...
And ...
"The body benefits from movement, the mind benefits from stillness." - Sakyong Mipham

Dr. Gala Gorman teaches with clarity, humor and insight finding gems in the realities of daily life. She guides you to use tools of awareness to help access freedom, focus, and flow in the midst of daily life.
As a published author, natural health coach, and minister, she helps you ignite intentional change in your life by tuning into your inner wisdom and guidance so that your joyful nature which is already present within you is invited to play a more prominent role in everything you do.
A Personal Message from Dr. Gala ...
You won’t hear me tell you to “suck it up” or “fake it 'til you make it.” Using that approach will only create more distance between where you are and where you’d like to be.
If making significant shifts in life was easy and a "no brainer," you would have done it already. You’re smart. You’ve accomplished a lot. And, you might even say you’ve survived experiences you wouldn’t wish on an enemy.
I get it. Life dishes up a wide array of experiences.
I can't tell you what to do or tap into YOUR inner wisdom. But I can share what I've learned and help you avoid many of the mistakes I've made along the way. You'll be able to hear your inner wisdom loud and clear.
Life begins to happen through you and for you rather than by you.
Life is much more fun when we feel like we're
following clear direction ... and taking action that is
aligned with our values.
Gain access to that clear direction when you
create your own successful solo retreat following the
step-by-step guidance provided in the
Mindshare Mastery Masterclass.

Buy today and experience all that the Masterclass program has to offer for a full 30 days. If, for any reason, you don't feel that the program meets your expectations just contact us and we'll refund your payment.
Just give it a try. You've got nothing to lose!

If you have questions that aren’t answered for you here, reach out to us at the Spiritual Fit Club. The easiest way to do that is to use the Contact Us form on the web site.
"The future depends on what you do today." - Albert Einstein
Uncertainty can hold us back from experiencing the life of our dreams - or it can be an invitation to respond to life from strength rather than weakness. Learn to unlock your extraordinary unique gifts to create opportunities you were not aware of … until making the time to reboot.
Release your authenticity to amplify and accelerate your path forward to maximize your impact ... in your own life and the lives of those you touch.
The quality of our choices set consequences into motion creating outcomes that manifest in our health, relationships, creativity and opportunities that come into our lives.
What will you choose?
Take a moment now to
get started with your Reboot. Enroll in the Masterclass.
© 2019 - Spiritual Fit Club - A Division of YES Unlimited LLC